
I Shouldn’t Feel Conflicted About God—How to Name, Frame, and Brave Complicated Emotions About Faith & God

Episode Notes

Do you ever feel distant from God?

Do you struggle with conflicting emotions or unanswered questions that make it hard to feel God's presence in your life?

Today's episode brings the 🔥🔥🔥. I'm passionate about naming the false guilt and counterfeit messages that keep us from a vibrant relationship with God.

So often we try to shove complicated feelings aside or manipulate ourselves into feeling what we think we “should” feel in our faith. It doesn't work. The good news is that as with any relationship, when you name and frame what you're feeling honestly, you invest in a deeper, more authentic relationship with God. Here’s what we cover…

Here’s what we cover:

1. The problem with spiritual bypassing

2. 6 counterfeit messages we internalize about God

3. 5 framing questions to help you transform those messages

4. Specific examples of braving steps you can take in your spiritual life.

5. My personal experience with spiritual dissonance

Today's episode is an excerpt from Chapter 11 of I Shouldn't Feel This Way, available everywhere books are sold.

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Additional Resources:

Related Episodes:

Bonus Episode: Aundi Kolber & Dr. Alison on Writing & Launching Books

Music by Andy Luiten

Sound editing by Kelly Kramarik

© 2024 Alison Cook. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Please do not copy or share the contents of this webpage without permission from the author.

While Dr. Cook is a counselor, the content of this podcast and any of the products provided by Dr. Cook are not specific counseling advice nor are they a substitute for individual counseling. The content and products provided on this podcast are for informational purposes only.

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